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Reporting bugs

Please file any bugs you might find in libwpd in our bug tracking database. By following this link you'll be able to file your report. Note that you need to have a bug reporting account, which you can create there as well. This allows us to contact you when we need additional information about your report.

Bugs which specifically (only) deal with an upstream project (KOffice, LibreOffice, or should be filed in their respective issue tracking database. When in doubt, please file in ours.

Getting the source

Please visit our project development page for information on getting the bleeding edge versions of the packages from Git. The modules of greatest interested are libwpd and writerperfect.


The libwpd API specification as well as the libwpd library documentation can be found here. A no frames version can be found here.

The Corel Developer SDK is the best resource available for reverse engineering WordPerfect Office documents. It contains comprehensive documentation of WordPerfect internal file structure.

Quality control

To make sure that future releases only get better and not break already working things, an automatic regression testing suite has been created. You can find this module in git as libwpd-regression.


If you want to participate in the discussion of libwpd's development, please join the libwpd-devel mailing list.

Supporting libwpd development

The easiest way to support libwpd development is by submitting patches to the source (see the previous paragraph). If you are not a programmer or simply don't have the time to work on libwpd, you can still help by making a donation or paying for the development of specific features that you need. Please contact the libwpd maintainers for details.